Base services
Fjord Base Group is a full-service provider of innovative and sustainable logistics services. We offer lifting operations, loading and unloading of vessels, internal transport, OCTG services, as well as storage and operational services offshore.
Saga Connect er en vår digitale plattform. Den forbedrer samarbeidet i havner ved å erstatte tradisjonelle kommunikasjonsmetoder som e-poster, Excel-ark og telefonsamtaler. Plattformen gir sanntidsoppdateringer, som sikrer at alle parter har tilgang til den samme informasjonen samtidig.
Noen fordeler med Saga Connect:
Saga Connect forbedrer også ressurshåndtering og planlegging, og muliggjør «just-in-time» ankomst for fartøy. Det reduserer liggetid ved kai og behovet for kaibytter. Plattformen er kompatibel med eksisterende systemer og støtter fremtidige utvidelser med kunstig intelligens og IoT-data for enda bedre ressursstyring.
Executive Vice President, Logistics and Operations
+47 481 25 091
VP Logistics
+47 913 83 913
VP Operations
+47 957 56 883
Operations Specialist
+47 415 51 999
VP Digitalization and IT
+47 922 60 503
VP Sales, Marketing and Communications
+47 940 55 630
Companies at Fjord Base
Fjord Base consists of a range of companies engaged in a broad spectrum of services and markets. The majority of these are connected to the oil supply base Fjord Base in Florø.
We work every day to deliver complete logistics solutions in a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly manner.
We are Norway's largest supply base. We offer rental of land and buildings tailored to the customer's needs.
With extensive experience in oil and gas, we are well-positioned to develop initiatives in offshore wind, hydrogen, and ammonia.